Abbott Calls for Independent HHSC Review | The Texas Tribune

Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced Wednesday the creation of an independent “strike force” to review the state’s largest health agency, specifically how it awards contracts to private vendors.

“In the wake of recent revelations at the Health and Human Services Commission, my transition team has taken steps to ensure there is a full and thorough outside review of management, operations, and contracting at the agency,” Abbott said in a written statement.

The agency has been the subject of heavy criticism for awarding a $110 million contract outside of the competitive bidding process.

In a statement, HHSC Executive Commissioner Kyle Janek said his agency would fully cooperate with the review. He also announced the hiring of Ron Pigott, who headed procurement at the Texas comptroller’s office, and Matthew Chaplin, who was in charge of contract compliance at the Texas General Land Office, to strengthen oversight of health agency contracts.

via Abbott Calls for Independent HHSC Review | The Texas Tribune.

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