Attorney General Ken Paxton: Is his legal trouble motivated by politics?

Facing possible prison time over accusations that he defrauded investors in 2011, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton insists that he is the victim of a politically motivated witch hunt because he dares to run his powerful agency based on conservative Christian values.

Paxton places most of the blame for his legal troubles on a vendetta by a friend-turned-adversary, with some cutthroat politics in Collin County, where the criminal charges originated, thrown into the mix.

Prosecutor Brian Wice isn’t buying it, calling the assertion “as predictable as it is untrue.”

The information behind Paxton’s criminal charges, Wice said, was collected by the Texas Rangers, a legendary law enforcement organization that is frequently called upon to investigate politically sensitive matters.

Source: Ken Paxton: Is his legal trouble motivated by politics? THE STATESMAN

One Response

  • There is a reason for separation of Church and State. With Church, you do something wrong, you ask for forgiveness and all is forgiven and washed away. With State, when you break the rules/laws/regulations, there are consequences. Preaching to one’s Christian values while holding a prominent position in public government office and charged with wrong-doing does not wash it away.

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