Attorney General Touts Money Recovered from Medicaid Fraud, Waste & Abuse

This week, Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a press release touting his agency’s recovery of some $203 million in 2023 from Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse.

The figures come from the 2023 Joint Interagency Coordination Report, which “summarizes the collective efforts of Texas Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General and the Texas Office of Attorney General to detect and prevent fraud, waste and abuse in the Texas Medicaid program.

The report indicates that OIG recovered an additional $532 million.

Malouf case ongoing

One notable mention in the report is that of the litigation involving Dr. Richard Malouf, which is now going into its 11th year.

Some things just never end.

“Dental provider Richard Malouf for misrepresentations to Texas Medicaid. The trial court entered a $16 million final judgment in favor of the State in this matter. The Eighth Court of Appeals affirmed the trial
court’s grant of the State’s motion for partial summary judgment. Malouf recently filed a Petition for Review to the Texas Supreme Court.”



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