Behind hospital deal, Kyle Janek and GEO lobbyists worked closely |

In August 2013, a lobbyist for a national company that privatizes state prisons emailed a bold proposal to Kyle Janek, the top official over a Texas health agency that at the time was facing scrutiny for a spate of gruesome patient deaths at state-run hospitals.

GEO Care lobbyist Frank Santos, a longtime friend of Janek’s, laid out the company’s vision: GEO would take over a state psychiatric hospital, improve care and drive down costs. Even though no state officials had yet proposed privatization, the lobbyist’s pitch to Janek, the Health and Human Services Commission chief, included a road map showing the state how to make the lucrative deal happen – including which legislators to woo and a timetable for the job.

via Behind hospital deal, Kyle Janek and GEO lobbyists worked closely |

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