DSO with a difference? Avitus hopes to change the mold

July 29, 2016 — Is it possible to recreate the dental service organization (DSO) model and put the dentist and the patient first, not the organization? An industry veteran has launched a new DSO called Avitus Dental Management Solutions in hopes of changing the paradigm.

 Avitus is the latest addition to the DSO and practice management field. It was founded in March by Quinn Dufurrena, DDS, JD, the former executive director of the Association of Dental Support Organizations.

The company is an offshoot of the Avitus Group, a Denver-based company that provides back-office support to corporations.

What’s different?

Dental service organizations offer the easiest way for newly minted dentists — many graduating with huge student loans — to get their first job and start earning money, according to Dr. Dufurrena. Traditionally, dental graduates found their first job as associates in established practices, but at present many dentists don’t have enough business to hire them…

Source: Dental News, Dental education, Dental Social networking Dr. Bicuspid

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