Prior to the indictment, a Texas MFCU (Medicaid Fraud Control Unit) agent called to inquiry about a visit, I attempted to set up a meeting to answer questions they may have. When the Texas state agents learned I would have my attorney present, I was informed by state agents they would cancel appointment if my attorney was present during this meeting. The meeting was cancelled by the MFCU agents. This is one example of the gaming of a system to create fear and mistrust by all parties.
During my ordeal, I witnessed Medicaid agents giving false and/or inaccurate testimony under oath in Federal Court. Presently, I am witnessing prominent providers being discredited in the media and other sources to create a culture of fear in the health care community.
Democracy depends on a strong and just legal system. Due process within the law provides a safety net and a fair system to prosecute the guilty and protect the innocent. The relationship between providers and the state Medicaid agency must be open and transparent.
At the request of this committee I would be willing to testify under oath and answer any questions. I hope with improvements to the Medicaid system we can all continue to provide the much need care to the most vulnerable population of children.
If I can be any assistance please feel free to contact my office.
Tara Rios D.D.S.