Embattled tech firm 21CT asks for more money from state | www.statesman.com

The CEO of data analytics company 21CT, whose $110 million deal with the state’s massive health agency is now the focus of a criminal investigation, is asking for yet more money from the state.

CEO Irene Williams is asking for money she claims is owed to the company for work provided to the Health and Human Services Commission Office of Inspector General, which had recently brokered a $90 million no-bid contract extension that was canceled this month amid concerns of fairness.

That extension was canceled after a Statesman investigation revealed alarming questions surrounding that deal, as well as the company’s initial $20 million deal with the agency, which sidestepped oversight boards and was procured without any competitive bidding process.

via Embattled tech firm 21CT asks for more money from state | www.statesman.com.

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