Ethics and what they mean to dental assistants

Has there been a decline in ethical values in the dental profession? How can dental assistants change this perception? By always being ethical and a good example in the practice.

I have thought about that quote many times during my 20-plus years in the dental industry. There are so many opportunities every day for us to choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing, when there are patients around us and when there is nobody around us.

One of my dear friends in the dental industry is Susan Gunn, who is a great speaker, prolific author, and certified fraud examiner. She’s the person who is often called in when horrid things happen in the dental practice because someone made the wrong choice and will now pay the price for doing just that.

I was talking to another friend recently about the seeming decline of ethics in our society, and we started talking about ethics in the dental practice. We talked about a number of scenarios that might involve dental assistants, including embezzlement, and knowingly not doing what is best for a patient. A few minutes turned into almost an hour on the subject as my friend shared some horror stories she had witnessed, and I showed her some of the posts I’ve seen in various Facebook groups for dental assistants.

Source: Ethics and what they mean to dental assistants / Dentistry iQ

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