Federal government provides funding for temporary CHIP extension in Texas

AUSTIN – As lawmakers on Capitol Hill continue to discuss the future of the CHIP program, Texas is set to receive $135 million from the federal government to keep benefits in place thru February.

CHIP, which stands for Children’s Health Insurance Program, has been in place nationally since 1997. While benefits vary by state, the program is designed to assist families who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to afford health insurance on the private market.

Source: Federal government provides funding for temporary CHIP extension in Texas KHOU

One Response

  • Still CHIP Dental PT’s are not willing to pay for the whole treatment just want to used what is giving by CHIP that is limited. Leaving treatments inconclusive making CHIP a no sense program. It just give money to practitioners with no ethical professional demeanor.

    It is not understanble How a dental provider can do only limited treatments . A patient needing SSC Pulptomis and filling where providers just filling teeth to the point of using all monetary benefits and leaving the infection and caries in the mouth and other teeth.

    This is happening as well with Medicaid MCOS policies that are not paying for treatment needed recurrent caries or lost fillings. . It is nor understandable how practitioners are willing to do only partial treatments knowing that leaving undone treatments wont solve the patient condition as one whole medical necessary health condition. all because the MCOS policies limit payments . There is some thing wrong with this picture,

    What is wrong with the providers ????

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