Harris County woman seeks $200,000 from dentist over alleged punctured sinus

HOUSTON – A Harris County woman alleges a dentist punctured her sinus during a procedure and she needed further surgeries and treatments.

Allison Ripley filed a complaint on Oct. 24 in the Harris County District Court against Mauricio Ceballos, DDS, et al. alleging negligence and other counts.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that on Oct. 27, and Nov. 4, 2016, Ceballos performed two root canals on plaintiff’s tooth No. 3. On Dec. 5, 2016, the suit states Ceballos performed apicoectomy surgery on the same tooth. The suit states during the apicoectomy surgery, Ceballos punctured the plaintiff’s sinus and did not diagnose or treat it.

Source: Harris County woman seeks $200,000 from dentist over alleged punctured sinus / SE Texas Record

One Response

  • Apicoectomy will frequently expose the sinus. In most cases they heal without incident. I do not think this is malpractice . It may be poor outcome if the patient has a persistent opening between the sinus and the oral cavity.

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