HHSC Spokesperson Stephanie Goodman  Moves On

What’s that thundering coming from the Health and Human Services Commission building? It’s the sound of Executive Commissioner Kyle Janek’s top people running out the door.

Since December — when the commission began burning in the spotlight because of millions of dollars in contract crises — seven out of 15 people on Janek’s former team have either jumped ship, been thrown to the sharks or quietly swum to shore while no one was looking…

  • Stephanie Goodman, the top agency spokeswoman who’s been dealing with ravenous reporters blowing up her phone for even the most microscopic, tangential details of the scandals over there. As one observer remarked, “She’s like the babysitter trying to explain why the kids are on acid.” Goodman, who earned $140,617 per year at the commission, will leave the agency later this month to take a job at the infinitely less raucous Texas Department of Insurance.

Stephanie Goodman



See for the full story.

Source: HHSC staff bailouts: A scorecard | Statesman Investigates

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