In Obamacare’s Wake, New York’s Tale of Two Medicaid Programs

With round two of Obamacare enrollment here, New York’s policymakers should take stock of where the Empire State is and where it’s heading.Take the state’s Medicaid program. Post-Obamacare, Medicaid enrollment has grown by over 7 percent to 6.1 million people: nearly 1 in 3 New Yorkers now receive coverage through the joint federal-state insurance program for the poor. New York’s Medicaid spending, among the highest in the country, makes up about 30 percent of the state budget.New York has reached a pivotal juncture.

Medicaid can evolve for the better—from a special-interest-driven relic to a proving ground for how competition and innovation create effective cost-controls by embracing new ideas. Or Medicaid can continue for the worse—further entrenching its position  as a de facto slush fund for politically connected providers and health care unions.One can, in fact, find evidence for both.

via In Obamacare’s Wake, New York’s Tale of Two Medicaid Programs.

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