Influential State Senator Tells Janek to Resign Immediately for Good of Texas

HHSC Executive Commissioner Kyle Janek
HHSC Executive Commissioner Kyle Janek

Today, Sen. John Whitmire sent a letter to HHSC Executive Commissioner Kyle Janek suggesting he resign immediately for “the best interest of the State of Texas.”

“Enough is enough”

The Austin American Statesman quoted Whitmire as telling them, “Enough is enough. I think he’s lost credibility to run this agency.” and ““I think Kyle has conflicted himself out of being able to run his agency.  I think he needs to get out of the way of the investigation.”

Janek lobbying on behalf of 21CT contract

It was also reported today by the Houston Chronicle that Janek himself was also lobbying on behalf of the beleaguered software firm 21CT and its contract for Medicaid fraud detection software with members of the Legislative Budget Board before he canceled those contracts in December.

Too much has happened under his watch

A lot has happened under Janek’s watch which would have happily kept rolling if the press weren’t so vigilant:

  • the whole 21CT fiasco, with HHSC Chief Counsel Jack Stick and Inspector General Doug Wilson forced into resigning along with the paid leave suspension of Stick’s wife, Janek’s chief of staff!, and Wilson’s wife and Stick’s former chief of staff;
  • questions about another HHSC contract with AT&T;
  • the free ride to graduate school paid for by taxpayers for Janek’s former assistant and another HHSC staff, against HHSC policy;
  • as far as dental Medicaid providers are concerned, Janek’s failure to take action to reign in, although not directly responsible for, the excesses of HHSC-OIG on the escalation of alleged claims of Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse which harmed and continues to harm providers as outlined by the staff report of the Sunset Advisory Commission; and
  • his signature on the final order to overturn the decision of an impartial SOAH court.  The SOAH judges had found Antoine Dental innocent of claims of Medicaid fraud.  Janek’s action maintained a 100% payment hold against the clinic that SOAH found unwarranted.

His failure has created an embarrassment of law enforcement and legislative attention

His lack of executive foresight and action has brought down the house with the FBI, State Auditor’s Office, the Public Integrity Unit, Texas Rangers and the new governor’s strike force now looking into the agency.


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