Kool Smiles clinics paying $23.9 million settlement

YUMA, Ariz. – The Justice Department announced on Wednesday that it has settled False Claims Act allegations against dental management company Benevis LLC (formerly known as NCDR LLC) and more than 130 of its affiliated Kool Smiles dental clinics for which Benevis provides business management and administrative services. Under the agreement, Benevis and the Kool Smiles clinics will pay the United States and participating states a total of $23.9 million, plus interest, to resolve allegations that they knowingly submitted false claims for payment to state Medicaid programs for medically unnecessary dental services performed on children insured by Medicaid.

Source: Kool Smiles clinics paying $23.9 million settlement / KYMA News

One Response

  • Are we dentist have lost our smartness and gave away our ethical values , and morals to the third parties?

    The strategy works . Our revenues for our work are going to the third parties .

    Third parties are not our friend.

    Marketing & publicity
    Managing companies

    All taking a huge piece of the cake ..
    What kind of dentistry are we doing to keep up with the expenses ??

    Do we really need this third parties??

    Patient freedom of choice is being manipulated by third parties and we providers have become good players in the scheme.

    We need to take control of our profession as one entity ( providers). Abstinence of dealing with Third parties is the only one solution to this chaos . Without providers third parties can not operate their scheme.

    Even giving that millions of money this KOOL SMILE will keep operating . It has to be too much money in what they are taking. Unbelievable colleagues still working for this corporates.

    Are we providers part of the problem or the solution ???

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