Lack of fiscal responsibility dogs conservatives – Houston Chronicle

Let’s forget for a moment about all the issues that divide us as Texans, from guns to abortion to Confederate flags on license plates.

Let’s focus on something that nearly all of us can agree to hate – bad spending.

I don’t mean debatable spending, such as, say, publicly funding birth control for poor women. In principle you may oppose it, but fiscally, many argue it saves the state money in unplanned Medicaid births.

No, I mean obviously bad spending, including but not limited to stupid spending, shady spending and sleazy spending. We can all join hands, sing Kumbaya, and agree that this kind of spending of taxpayer money is not good.

Yet, if you’ve seen a newspaper lately, there seems to be a rash of it in our "conservative"-controlled state. The Chronicle’s Brian M. Rosenthal in Austin, along with reporters at the Austin American-Statesman, have reported extensively on a state contracting system that lets inexperienced companies win millions in contracts without having to compete. They simply sidestep the bidding process by getting pre-approved for contracts using a process intended for smaller purchases.

via Lack of fiscal responsibility dogs conservatives – Houston Chronicle.

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