Medicaid Dentists: Did You Know Texas HHS Wants to Know About Your Difficulties with DMOs?

We received an email from a dentist a few weeks ago who was having trouble with a particular DMO.  In the process of trying to assist them, we reached out to Texas HHS in an attempt to find a state-level contact for all three DMOs so we could facilitate a resolution of the problem as well as future issues.

HHS wants to know DMO problems

Dr. Marguerite Laccabue in the Office of the Medical Director, Medicaid and CHIP Services gave us a very interesting response of which all Medicaid dentists should be aware.

She wrote very simply:

HHSC and THSteps need to know and be aware of such issues. I really want folks to send issues to

I am sorry that I in fact I am unable to release such information because we want to be aware of such issues, as this is part of contractual requirements. [emphasis ours]

Thank you.

Avenue to attempt to resolve issues

So to all those who did our recent survey and were having problems and to those who have problems but are being mum about it, this is a road you can take to attempt to resolve your difficulties without the need to hire a lawyer.  At least not yet.

We have mentioned this avenue before in a few posts in the past.  However, the idea that these complaints would reflect on a DMOs' contractual requirements is something we did not know.

It is a good thing to hear that HHS is interested.


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