Share Your Experiences About MCNA and Dentaquest at Medicaid Managed Care Town Hall Meeting in Edinburg This Thursday

Medicaid symbolThis coming Thursday, May 19 from 8:30 am to noon, a town hall meeting on Medicaid managed care is being held at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance, 118 Paseo Del Prado, Edinburg,TX.

The meeting has been set up to allow Medicaid providers in the Rio Grande Valley to get their views aired regarding the various MCOs.

Dental providers have an opportunity to tell the right people what is going on with MCNA and Dentaquest. These include Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, Rep. Richard Peña Raymond, current HHSC Executive Commissioner Chris Traylor, his announced replacement Charles Smith and Inspector General Stuart Bowen Jr.

If you can make it, take this opportunity to get involved with making Medicaid better.  Get your views known!!

The following is the agenda (download PDF copy)


8:30 – 9:15  OPENING REMARKS

Dr. Carlos Javier Cardenas
Chairman of the Board, Doctors Hospital at Renaissance

Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa
Vice-Chairman, Senate Finance Committee

Representative Richard Peña Raymond
Chainnan, House Human Services Committee

Chris Traylor
Executive Commissioner, Texas Health a.nd Human Services Commission

Charles Smith
Chief Deputy Executive Commissioner, Texas Health and Human Services Commission

Stuart Bowen
Inspector General, Texas Health and Human Services Commission


Health and Human Sen/ices Commission Staff
Medicaid Managed Care Organization Representatives


Medicaid Providers and Stakeholders Providers and stakeholders have the opportunity to provide their feedback to HHSC leadership and MCOs and ask any questions regarding their issues or concerns with Medicaid managed care.


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