Texas Spent $43 Million on Medicaid Orthodontia in 2013

ortho caseTDMR filed an open record request a while ago to obtain the Texas dental Medicaid spending figures for the years from 2000 to 2005 and 2012, 2013.

Texas Medicaid orthodontic spending from 2006 to 2011 has been heavily reported so we did not need to ask for these figures again.

We received the HHSC response and are now sharing the figures as it provides a context for Texas Medicaid orthodontic spending before and after the 2007-2011 period.  We have included the 2006-2011 figures as obtained and reported by WFAA.

As can be seen, ortho spending as a percentage of total dental Medicaid spending started to rise dramatically in 2004, the year TMHP took over the contract to be the Texas Medicaid claims administrator.

Under NCIH, the previous contractor, the percentage was around 7%.  In 2007, the percentage under ACS grew to 22%.  Last year, it was just under 3%.


Orthodontic Expenditures Other Dental Expenditures Total Dental Expenditures % Ortho of Total
FY 2000 $10,310,227 $147,375,723 $157,685,950 6.5
FY 2001 $11,815,399 $145,612,242 $157,427,642 7.5
FY 2002 not provided not provided not provided
FY 2003 $21,407,986 $256,580,889 $277,988,875 7.7
FY 2004 $32,952,294 $296,215,300 $329,167,595 10.0
FY 2005 $49,338,624 $318,527,554 $367,866,178 13.4
FY 2006 $72,831,312 $296,900,670 $369,731,981 19.7
FY 2007 $90,707,548 $308,444,855 $399,152,403 22.7
FY 2008 $110,007,641 $657,635,075 $767,642,716 14.3
FY 2009 $145,484,399 $817,853,881 $963,338,280 15.1
FY 2010 $200,823,552 $1,039,938,965 $1,240,762,517 16.2
FY 2011 $249,243,395 $1,180,546,265 $1,429,789,659 17.4
FY 2012 $126,713,664 $1,165,626,807 $1,292,340,471 9.8
FY 2013 $43,742,651 $1,594,025,711 $1,637,768,363 2.7



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