EpiPen has been in the news ever since last year’s outcry over the discovery that its maker, Mylan, hiked the price 550% for the auto-injected emergency allergy treatment. The list price for an EpiPen two-pack is $609.
The device and its manufacturer made headlines again yesterday when an analysis by the HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) showed that Medicaid might have been overbilled for EpiPen to the tune of $1.27 billion between 2006 and 2016.
Source: Medicaid Overpaid $1.27 Billion For EpiPen, OIG Charges | Managed Care Magazine Online
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Read “Dark Money,”
“Teeth,” by Mary Otto, is a book which should be required reading for dental students and the rest of us.
A great sage once said “It is important to know where we come from, where we are going and who we are ultimately accountable to.”