Need for more HHSC oversight? – San Antonio Express-News

A no-bid state contract for $110 million, state officials being shown the door and the agency’s top official insisting he was misled.

It all points to a need for more strenuous oversight at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Among those who have resigned is Doug Wilson, who, as HHSC’s inspector general, was the person who was supposed to be doing the overseeing. He is leaving at the behest of Gov. Rick Perry.

As reported by Brian M. Rosenthal, who is with the Hearst Austin bureau, another official involved is Jack Stick, who was the commission’s deputy inspector general when the no-bid contract was let but who recently resigned as the commission’s general counsel, a position he held since this spring.

Three other employees have been placed on paid leave until a probe is completed.

via Need for more HHSC oversight? – San Antonio Express-News.

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