New Jersey Physician Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Medicare and Medicaid Fraud

Paul Mathieu, MD, of New Jersey, was recently sentenced to four years in prison for his role in a scheme to defraud Medicare and Medicaid of $30 Million. He was convicted in May on charges of health care fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, conspiracy to commit the same, and conspiracy to make false statements in connection with a federal health program. Between 2007 and 2013, Mathieu posed as the owner of several New York clinics, and falsely claimed that he treated and examined thousands of patients.

According to US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) allegations, between 2007 and 2013, Mathieu fraudulently posed as the owner of three Brooklyn medical clinics. The three clinics were actually owned by Aleksandr Burman, a co-conspirator in the case. Burman is not a medical professional and thus could not legally own the clinics, as a New York law requires that medical clinics be owned and operated by medical professionals.

Source: The Least You Can Do is See Patients: New Jersey Physician Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Medicare and Medicaid Fraud / Policy & Medicine

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