Office of the Governor Rick Perry – [Press Release] In Case You Missed It: Gov. Rick Perry Interview on FOX News Sunday

Today, Gov. Rick Perry was a guest on FOX News Sunday, the interview can be viewed below. Politico Magazine also published and op-ed today by Gov. Perry, “America’s New Mission in Iraq,” which you can read here.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: “The Lawsuit Against [Gov. Perry] Is A Blatant Misuse Of The Judicial System By Liberal Activists Who Couldn’t Defeat Him At The Polls.”
(, 8/16/14)

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush: “The Indictment Of [Gov. Perry] Seems Politically Motivated And Ridiculous. Major Overreach And An Encroachment On His Veto Authority.”
(, 8/16/14)

Business Insider: “Even Liberals Think The Indictment Of Rick Perry Looks Weak”

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz: “Everybody, Liberal Or Conservative, Should Stand Against This Indictment.”
(Sandy Fitzgerald, “Dershowitz ‘Outraged’ By Perry Indictment,” Newsmax, 8/16/14)

Democrat Strategist David Axelrod: “Unless He Was Demonstrably Trying To Scrap The Ethics Unit For Other Than His Stated Reason, Perry Indictment Seems Pretty Sketchy.”
(, 8/16/14)

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal: “The Lawsuit Against [Gov. Perry] Is A Blatant Misuse Of The Judicial System By Liberal Activists Who Couldn’t Defeat Him At The Polls.”
(, 8/16/14)

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush: “The Indictment Of [Gov. Perry] Seems Politically Motivated And Ridiculous. Major Overreach And An Encroachment On His Veto Authority.”
(, 8/16/14)

Business Insider: “Even Liberals Think The Indictment Of Rick Perry Looks Weak”

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz: “Everybody, Liberal Or Conservative, Should Stand Against This Indictment.”
(Sandy Fitzgerald, “Dershowitz ‘Outraged’ By Perry Indictment,” Newsmax, 8/16/14)

Democrat Strategist David Axelrod: “Unless He Was Demonstrably Trying To Scrap The Ethics Unit For Other Than His Stated Reason, Perry Indictment Seems Pretty Sketchy.”
(, 8/16/14)

Office of the Governor Rick Perry – [Press Release] In Case You Missed It: Gov. Rick Perry Interview on FOX News Sunday.

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