OIG Asks for Extra $10M, More ‘Boots on the Ground’ to Target Home- and Community-Based Fraud

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is making good on its long-held promise to ramp up oversight of home- and community-based services, requesting an extra $10 million in its fiscal year 2020 budget to tackle fraud, waste and abuse in those areas.

The extra funding — which would increase this portion of OIG’s budget from $26 million to $36 million — will be used to expand OIG’s capabilities to surveil home health, hospice, personal care and telehealth providers for mismanagement of government funds, according to OIG’s 2020 budget submission.

Source: OIG Asks for Extra $10M, More ‘Boots on the Ground’ to Target Home- and Community-Based Fraud / Home Health Care News

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