Report: Texas Has the Highest Number of Uninsured Kids in America

For the first time in a decade, the number of children without health insurance in the United States has risen — and Texas again has the largest share.

A Georgetown University Center for Children and Families report released Thursday found that more than one in five uninsured children in the U.S. live in Texas — about 835,000 as of 2017. The state saw an increase of about 83,000 uninsured children from 2016 to 2017.

Researchers are most vexed that the report marks the first time since the data was collected in 2008 that the nationwide number — as well as the rate — of uninsured children increased, after a decade of decline. The national rate increased from a historic low of 4.7 percent in 2016 to 5 percent in 2017. Texas’ rate of uninsured children in 2017 was at 10.7 percent, up slightly from the previous year and still more than double the national average.

Source: Report: Texas Has the Highest Number of Uninsured Kids in America / Black Press USA

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