Rick Perry lobbied Rick Scott on political donor’s issue

TALLAHASSEE — If there’s one subject that rivals the prominence of job creation in Gov. Rick Scott’s rhetoric, it’s Rick Perry.Scott has made a habit of mentioning the former Texas governor, a fellow Republican, in nearly all of his speeches and media availabilities. Perry’s work is the standard against which his own is measured; Perry’s Texas is the aspirational rival to Scott’s Florida; Perry’s name is a go-to punch line to break up otherwise monotonous speeches about the economy and job creation.

“I call Rick Perry once a month and remind him how well we’re doing,” Scott has said on occasions too numerous to count.On Tuesday, Scott did not have to pick up the phone.

Perry met with the Florida governor in his Capitol office to lobby him on a dental issue near and dear to MCNA Dental, a Fort Lauderdale-based company that was the single biggest donor to Perry’s failed 2016 presidential bid.

The meeting was not on the public calendar circulated Tuesday morning by Scott’s office, but was added after POLITICO Florida asked about it. (Schutz said staff members originally forgot to add the meeting to the calendar.)

Source: Rick Perry lobbied Rick Scott on political donor’s issue | POLITICO

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