UPDATE: After publishing this article, TDMR was alerted that it is a DENTIST, not a medical doctor that is involved in this case. It involves the Rhoden Group from Corpus Christi with Dr. Cheryl Rhoden, DDS as the principal. This is the third SOAH decision in favor of Medicaid dentists.
On Monday evening, during the House Human Services Committee hearing on Senate Bill 207, which is to reform the Health and Human Services Commission Office of Inspector General, Chair Richard Peña Raymond mentioned that the State Office of Administrative Affairs had issued a ruling last week in the case of a doctor who had been placed under a “credible allegation of fraud” payment hold two years ago.
Doctor found innocent and OIG ordered to return court and legal fees
The ruling apparently found the doctor was innocent of the Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse allegations and ordered OIG not only to drop the payment hold but also to return the $19,000 the doctor advanced for court costs and pay her legal fees of $360,000.
Unfortunately, we don’t know anything about who was involved and have started inquiries. But we are making available the video of the hearing with Chair Raymond’s comments starting at 7:20 into the video.
Improve bill to root out bad operating basis of OIG
Chair Raymond made the comments to Rep. Larry Gonzales who is sponsoring SB 207 in the House.
Raymond also said that he is reviewing the Senate bill to see what improvements his committee can add. He is particularly concerned that there are still those in OIG operating in the same manner that brought on the scathing report from the Sunset Commission which was the reason for SB 207. He said he wants to meet with OIG officials on this.