Star Compliance Services, Texas Dentists for Medicaid Reform Responding to Tough New Regulatory Environment With Compliance Starter Kit and Informative Seminars for Smaller Healthcare Providers – Yahoo Finance

HARLINGEN, Texas, May 18, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — Nestled within its 900-plus pages of legalese, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or ACA, requires healthcare providers participating in federal programs to have an effective compliance program in place. For providers without deep pockets, the burden of this mandate is tremendous – a full-time compliance officer typically earns a six-figure salary. Leading these seminars will be attorney and compliance expert Gregory Ewing, who is also the president of TDMA. “Many providers simply do not have the resources to have a full-time compliance officer or the know-how to implement such a program themselves.

Source: Star Compliance Services, Texas Dentists for Medicaid Reform Responding to Tough New Regulatory Environment With Compliance Starter Kit and Informative Seminars for Smaller Healthcare Providers – Yahoo Finance

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