State Auditor Sees Weaknesses in Agency Contracting | The Texas Tribune

For the most part, state agencies comply with existing contracting requirements, but several struggle with two basics: shopping for a vendor and monitoring that vendor’s performance, the Texas state auditor’s office said in a report on Tuesday. The report provided no new findings — but tallied the results of 14 audits issued by the auditor’s office between July 2012 and December 2014. Combined, those previous findings present a critical picture of state agency contracting. “The majority of state entities audited did not consistently maintain documentation of their proposal evaluation processes and/or document their determinations of best value,” the auditor’s office wrote in the report. “In addition, of the reports that discussed conflicts of interest, the majority of the state entities did not adequately identify and/or document conflicts of interest for the contracts audited.”

via State Auditor Sees Weaknesses in Agency Contracting | The Texas Tribune.

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