State Gets Federal OK to Boost Medicaid Payments | The Texas Tribune

A year after Texas was slated to increase Medicaid payments to primary care physicians under the Affordable Care Act, the state has received federal approval to implement the change.

Although the ACA required states to increase payments to primary care physicians in 2013, the federal government did not approve the state’s plan to implement the rate increases until recently. Doctors who qualify — either they’re a primary care physician or 60 percent of their Medicaid billings are for primary care services — must fill out a form to notify the state before April 2014 in order to receive retroactive payments for Medicaid services rendered in 2013 that would have been paid at a higher rate. Physicians who complete the form after April 2014 will only received increased payments for services provided after the date they filled out the form.

State Gets Federal OK to Boost Medicaid Payments | The Texas Tribune.