Antibiotics prescribed by dentists linked to deadly infection

Antibiotics prescribed by dentists can put patients at risk for developing a serious and potentially deadly infection that causes severe diarrhoea, according to US research presented at IDWeek 2017 earlier this month. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) tracked community-associated … Read More

Dentists to Blame for Increasing C Diff Cases?

Stacy Holzbauer, DVM, MPH, lead author of the study and career epidemiology field officer for the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) presented their findings. The researchers interviewed 1,626 people with community-associated C difficile between 2009 and 2015, … Read More

Survey says dental patients are dissatisfied

Dentists have a new challenge on their hands. According to a recent study, the majority of dental patients would not recommend doing business with their current dental provider. In an increasingly consumer-driven marketplace, this is problematic for both providers and … Read More

Got Medicaid? Good luck with your teeth

For years, Iowa dentists have complained about the low rate of payment they receive from the Medicaid program. When treating a Medicaid patient, dentists can typically expect to collect just 30 percent of what they’d normally receive for providing the … Read More

DSO customer service lags behind insurance, retail industries

Originally published June 16, 2017 By Theresa Pablos, associate editor June 16, 2017 — Patients appear dissatisfied with the dental service/support organization (DSO) experience, according to the results from a new survey. Those who received services from DSOs ranked their customer experience … Read More

Dallas paper: 85 Texas dental deaths since 2010

December 10, 2015 — Eighty-five Texas dental patients have died since 2010, according to an investigative report by the Dallas Morning News published December 10.The report also estimates that about 1,000 people have died nationwide following dental procedures.”Deadly Dentistry” is … Read More

Deadly Dentistry: Junior’s Story

A 4-year-old Dallas boy goes to get cavities fixed — and is drugged to death. First they drugged him. Then they sent Mom to the waiting room. Then they strapped his torso and wrists to a padded board. But Junior … Read More

UT Health Science Center dedicates 2nd dental clinic

The University of Texas (UT) Health Science Center at San Antonio dedicated the Center for Oral Health Care & Research, the campus’s newest dental clinic, on September 10. Source: UT Health Science Center dedicates 2nd dental clinic – Dr. Biscupid

Corporately run chains a growing dentistry trend 

Dentistry has gone corporate. Instead of hanging out their shingles and building practices or working under an established dentist and eventually becoming a partner, dental-school graduates are increasingly opting to work for corporately run chains, according to studies by the … Read More