More Low-Income Kids Now Have Health Coverage

Bolstered by the federal health care law, the number of lower-income kids getting health coverage continues to rise. During 2014, the first full year of the law’s implementation, 91 percent of children who were eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s … Read More

FBI — Texas Nurse Convicted of Health Care Fraud

PLANO, TX—A Denton County, Texas, nurse has been convicted of 9 counts of health care fraud in the Eastern District of Texas, announced U.S. Attorney John M. Bales today. Florence Kroma a/k/a Florence Kamara a/k/a Florence Koroma a/k/a Florence Bangura, … Read More

Medicaid’s fraud problems getting worse 

The Obama administration just announced that fighting Medicaid fraud is going to be a “key priority” for the final year of the president’s term. That’s a tall order. Last year, the program lost more than $17 billion to fraud. That’s … Read More

Anatomy of a fraud bust: Collaboration creates efficiency

With more large-scale, multi-million dollar fraud schemes surfacing across the country, enforcement officials are utilizing Medicare Fraud Strike Force teams to dismantle entire fraud operations. Source: Anatomy of a fraud bust: Collaboration creates efficiency

75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three in four Americans (75%) last year perceived corruption as widespread in the country’s government. This figure is up from two in three in 2007 (67%) and 2009 (66%). Source: 75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption Gallup

Gov’t ‘Deception’ Causes Project Overruns 

Costs almost always spiral higher on big government projects because of “deception and mismanagement” by Congress, federal managers and contractors, according to scholars at the Cato Institute. “Cost overruns on large government projects are pervasive,” wrote Chris Edwards and Nicole … Read More

Healthcare executives beware: The DOJ wants you

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Coca-Cola? Is it the dozens of executives who reside in the company’s corporate offices? Or do you think about polar bears?Unless you are one of those corporate executives, … Read More

House tries to cut down on Medicaid fraud 

House Republicans are pushing a slew of bills that attempt to cut back on Medicaid fraud by reforming eligibility and closing loopholes that enable lottery winners to get coverage.But Democrats are concerned that some of the measures could have unintended … Read More

Medicare fraud and abuse prevalent in Texas

At Texas Senior Medicare Patrol, program director Barbara McGinity regularly hears troubling stories from elderly victims targeted by medical scams. There was the 90-year-old San Antonio woman who wanted to buy a bedside commode and called a company advertising such … Read More

Texas CEO Admits Defrauding Medicaid 

DALLAS – Alexis C. Norman, 47, of Midlothian, Texas, appeared in federal court this morning before U.S. Magistrate Judge David L. Horan and pleaded guilty to one count of health care fraud, announced John Parker, U.S. Attorney for the Northern … Read More

Medicaid: Key Issues Facing the Program

What GAO Found GAO identified four key issues facing the Medicaid program, based on prior work. Access to care : Medicaid enrollees report access to care that is generally comparable to that of privately insured individuals and better than that … Read More

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