TDMR Evolves Its Role

cropped-tdmr_whitebg1.pngTDMR has been making changes over the past few months.

Updated website and content

You might have noticed that the look of our website has been updated.  It is easier to view on smartphones and tablets as well as being a cleaner, more up-to-date design.

So, too, we’ve updated our Issues and About pages to reflect our current direction.  TDMR was initially formed to advocate due process rights for dental Medicaid providers under the hammer of unproven allegations of Medicaid fraud and placed under damaging payment holds that destroyed or financially hampered many.

With a number of significant executive resignations in the Health and Human Services Commission  and its Office of Inspector General since 2014 and the reorganization of OIG through SB 207, a new day has dawned for due process for all Medicaid providers with regards to state agencies although not all cases have yet to be resolved for dentists.

New issues have come to light

New issues have arisen for TDMR with problems coming to light with the dental managed care organizations – credentialling new providers, new concerns about MCO payment holds, problems with dental homes.  So we have been bringing these concerns to light both publicly and to legislators.

Expanded reach to other Texas Medicaid providers

TDMR has also expanded its reach.  Not only do our email news alerts reach out to over 2,000 Medicaid dentists and TDMR subscribers but now also so some 15,000 more Texas Medicaid providers of all categories from medical doctors to home care workers.

Expanded purposes for the future

In alignment with the survey completed in August, our purposes are now to:

  1. Be an organized effort to reform Medicaid.
  2. Provide advocacy for dental Medicaid providers and work with legislatures and health professional organizations such as TMA and TDA to bring forward legislation to balance the playing field for all Medicaid providers.
  3. Bring providers’ stories to the public.
  4. Take on a watchdog role to expose injustice within Medicaid.
  5. Provide news and updates about Medicaid reform.

We do many of these things already and we have been successful.  We intend to carry on being successful.

Contact us

Please contact us via our Medicaid Difficulty Alert, Contact page or email at if there is something you wish us to know about and report on.

4 Responses

    • It’s not our purpose to take such reports. We are only interested in ensuring due process rights for such accused. If you know of any fraud, waste or abuse, please report it to the HHSC-Inspector General or HHS utilizing the links at the top right-hand side of every page on our website.

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