TDMR Launches the “Medicaid Difficulty Alert”

Medicaid symbolThere have been many changes for Medicaid dental providers over the last few years.

The change from fee-for-service to managed care.   The upheaval caused by the former Health and Human Services Commission Office of Inspector General and  rampant allegations of Medicaid fraud by dentists.  The scandals at HHSC over no-bid contracts especially the 21CT affair involving Medicaid fraud detection software. At least six top-level executives resigning at HHSC and its OIG. A new HHSC Inspector General and HHSC Executive Commissioner in place.   HHSC undergoing massive restructuring to its organization from its Sunset review. The new IG revamping his office to be more responsive to providers.  The Texas State Board of Dental Examiners is now under Sunset review.  Etc., etc., etc.

TDMR has been effective

Texas Dentists for Medicaid Reform has been effective in improving due process rights for all Medicaid providers.  We worked two legislative sessions ago for passage of Senate Bill 1803 which enshrined due process rights for all Medicaid providers. We were instrumental in the last session in bringing to legislative attention the problems at OIG which ultimately assisted the Sunset Advisory Commission and its final report leading to fundamental change in OIG with SB 207.

More to Medicaid reform in Texas

But there is more to Medicaid Reform.

We want to see a system that runs right, that does what it is supposed to do per its legislative mandate.

We don’t want it to be a political football which kicks patients and providers around.

We think that you, as a Medicaid dental provider, want that too.

Already fielding complaints and doing something about them

Over the last few weeks, we have been receiving information about problems Medicaid dentists are having with the dental MCOs (managed care organizations), MCNA and Dentaquest. We have already talked to legislators and contacted one of the companies to see what can be done about them. We will be publishing more about this.

TDMR needs the input of dental Medicaid providers

So we need your help.

We need the input of more providers to know more about the problems that are out there and are being faced on a day-to-day basis.

Tell us confidentially about the problems you are having with Medicaid

If something isn’t running right in Medicaid for your practice or patients, we want you to tell us about it!

So we have created a Medicaid Difficulty Alert form on our website.  This form will allow you to tell us about any Medicaid problem you are currently having. Once we have this information, we can determine how wide a problem it is and what can de done about it.

Your specific information will not be used without your consent and will be kept confidential otherwise.

Make the system better!

All together we can do something about this system and make it a system all Texans can be proud of, whether they agree with Medicaid or not.

If you care enough to be a Medicaid provider, please care enough to let us know what can be improved.

Go to our Medicaid Difficulty Alert page and let us know what is happening!


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