Texas Association of Business: Medicaid Managed Care Is A Win Win For Taxpayers and Texans on Medicaid

AUSTIN—Pointing to significant taxpayer savings and more efficient care, the Texas Association of Business (TAB) today urged the Texas Legislature to allow for the transition of the Medicaid prescription drug benefit to private health plan management to occur as scheduled. As the Senate Finance Workgroup on Health Care Costs meets today to look for cost savings, this could mean significant savings to the state.

“Employers and citizens of Texas deserve to have the best access to health care throughout our state and to that end, TAB has long supported the successful transition of Texas Medicaid from the former fee-for-service model to the managed care approach,” said TAB Governmental Affairs Manager Amanda Martin. “That approach has not only saved taxpayers billions of dollars but also dramatically improved outcomes for Texas on Medicaid.

Source: The Gilmer Mirror – Texas Association of Business Medicaid Managed Care Is A Win Win For Taxpayers and Texans on Medicaid

One Response

  • Win Win .?
    The tax payers are going to be paying the same amount of taxes ..
    Texas on Medicaid are being restricted of appropriated benefits.

    TAB does not has to do any thing with patient provider relation health is not a business.

    They are only trying to cover the and match the budget. After the increased remuneration accordingly Medicaid budget got short . There using MCO to cut providers right of practice with contracts which means restraining benefits needed to the patients with pre authorizations and all sort of backup documentation for simple regular procedures, Medicaid is please with the way MCO had taken the remuneration from providers. .

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