Texas Dentists Misled by Xerox/TMHP on Orthodontic Prior Authorizations: Deposition

Yes, we know it is 2018.  Sorry.  But the truth about the late great Texas Medicaid orthodontic debacle (2007 to 2011) has been not fully been made public yet.  So here is some more truth for those who were involved in this horrendous boondoggle.  There is more to come.

Dentists voiced concerns many times

It appears what TDMR has been saying all along is true.  Texas dentists from at least 2006 to 2011 were concerned about the TMHP/Xerox orthodontic prior authorization process, had continuously voiced their concerns to the Health and Human Services Commission and TMHP (Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership) but had been continually reassured that actual dentists and even board certified orthodontists were approving their patient treatment requests.

Video of deposition testimony

We strongly suggest you watch this nine-minute video segment of a recently made public deposition given by Ms. Vivian LaFuente in the State of Texas’ lawsuit against Xerox et al for Medicaid fraud.

Ms. LaFuente worked for NHIC (National Health Insurance Corporation), then TMHP/ACS/Xerox, then moved to HHSC where she was the TMHP/ACS/Xerox contract oversight and subject matter specialist for orthodontic and prior authorization.

It has been said the truth will set you free.

2 Responses

  • Yes….I’m sure the ones making 15 to 20 million dollars a year from a government funded program to put braces on children for aesthetic purposes were REAL concerned about the vault at TMHP that was wide open. I wonder if it was THOSE dentists who were asking the question at the Stakeholder meeting. Hmm…

    • I know hypocrites! Let me guess Joe. You are one of the 70% of dentists that refuse to treat the poor and then bash the 30% that do? What a sorry lot you are. Hmm…

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