Texas’ Dismal Health Insurance Rate: Causes and Economic Impact

Texas has the worst rate uninsured people in the country for the second year in a row, according to information released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Texas was one of only nine states to see an increase in the number of people without health insurance, as the rate increased from 17.3 percent in 2017 to 17.7 percent (around five million people) in 2018. The increase could see increased stress put on the healthcare system in North Texas and statewide, having significant economic impacts.

Texas has nearly twice the rate of uninsured people as the country, with had an 8.9 percent uninsured rate in 2018. Texas is one of the 14 states that has not expanded Medicaid, which would give insurance to 1.5-1.6 million people, having the potential to decrease costly and uncompensated emergency room visits to hospitals all over the state. Expanding Medicaid would send $8-10 billion in federal funds to the state.

Source: Texas’ Dismal Health Insurance Rate: Causes and Economic Impact / Healthcare D Magazine

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