Texas family travels to DC to fight for son’s Medicaid

AUSTIN, Texas – Apollo and his brother, Oliver, were excited about their upcoming trip to the nation’s capital. While they savored the anticipation, their parents, Kate and Bob Howell, got ready to speak with lawmakers on behalf of Medicaid, a program they said saved their son’s life.

“All of those specialists, including all the therapies he’s needed, are all supported by Medicaid,” they said.

Apollo was born with a gap between his esophagus and stomach, and a hole in his airway. It took 23 surgeries, an emergency trip to Cincinnati and a list of medications to get the 2-year-old where he is now.

Source: Texas family travels to DC to fight for son’s Medicaid / Spectrum News

One Response

  • I have a son that has spinal bifida, at medicaid i was told he couldnt qualify because qe make to much money. Ssi medicaid was denied because of thw same reason is therw a law that will help us for his medical?

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