Texas Governor: I Hope Planned Parenthood Sues Me for Defunding So I Can Put Them Under Oath 

The Governor of the State of Texas said he hopes Planned Parenthood files legal action against their move to cut off Medicaid funding to the abortion biz so he can put their officials under oath.

Newly-elected Governor Greg Abbot told Fox’s Bill Hemmer that in Texas, Planned Parenthood has very serious issues that violate federal law.

“One, the Inspector General says he has evidence showing that Planned Parenthood altered the abortion procedure in order to obtain fetal tissue. This violates federal law as well as state law,” Gov. Abbot said.

That fact was detailed in several undercover videos published by the Center for Medical Progress. One of the clinics that CMP filmed was a Planned Parenthood mega center in Houston.

Abbot, who was the previously Attorney General of the state before being elected as Governor in 2014, continued:

“Second, the Inspector General showed, that he had evidence where Planned Parenthood allowed unsanitary conditions that could cause the spread of infectious diseases.”

“Third…the fact that Planned Parenthood has already previously been found in violation of Medicaid fraud for billing for items and services that were either unnecessary or never provided. And, the Inspector General says he has uncovered more instances of these types of violations,” the Texas Governor added.

Source: Texas Governor: I Hope Planned Parenthood Sues Me for Defunding So I Can Put Them Under Oath | LifeNews.com

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