UPDATE: As of October 15, HHS announced the three companies to be awarded this contract.
UPDATE: September 27: We checked today. No awards yet. A blinking notice has been placed on the right-hand column of our website showing the contract status as of the last time we checked which will be at least once a week. We’ll let you know as soon as we know.
UPDATE August 30: The tentative start date for this contract is September 2, three days away. The RFP number didn’t come up when we searched for it on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) website this morning. So we phoned Texas HHS Contracting to find out what was up. We were told the state online contracting system won’t show any information about an RFP after its expiry date until it is awarded. Then the system will show it has been awarded. So, the contract still has not been awarded. The individual we spoke with confirmed this.
The RFP for Texas Medicaid dental services went out October 1, 2018, with the deadline for submissions November 30. More than five months have gone by and there is an anticipated contract start date of September 2. There has been no news about the contract or possible awardees.
So TDMR contacted Texas HHS about 10 days ago to see if anything was up.
No award yet
The answer is no. There is no decision as of yet.
We received an email from someone in the Procurement & Contracting Services department of HHS who informed us that “In regard to your request, the STAR Dental – RFP HHS0002879 has not been awarded.”
Watch the Electronic State Business Daily
They suggested we “periodically visit the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) to obtain the award information at http://www.txsmartbuy.com/sp . The ESBD will be updated after an award has been completed.”
With September 2 being little more than four months away, we will do that. You can too.
So any updates?
any update, thought end of August?
Just updated the story. No award yet.
Any further update, 2 weeks late. Are they considering another re-post of contract?
We have no further wisdom at this time.
How can I find out which insurance companies were rewarded managed Medicaid line of service for 2020?
Do an online search if you mean other than dental MCOs.
Any update on the Dental MCO award? Is there a new target date?
No and no.
wow at this rate will they release the names before effective date/ next year?
Interesting how the deadlines are enforced for submission 🙂
Rumor has it that it’s MCNA, DQ and one other company. Please list all the other applicants and I’ll try to confirm
It is not known all which companies submitted. You can try Avesis, Liberty, Delta Dental. We didn’t do a roundup of all possible contenders.
The bid has been posted on HHSC’s website as of 10/14. Dentaquest, United, and MCNA