Texas House considering allowing employers to provide less health insurance

In most cases, your health insurance must cover a list of certain services such as cancer screenings even if you get it from your employer. The proposed Texas House Bill 139 could remove that requirement and let a company provide an “Employer Choice of Benefits Plan” that does not provide all those state-mandated services.

The bill was filed by Rep. Jay Dean, R-Longview, who is the chair of the House Committee on Insurance. Dean’s office did not respond to questions from the American-Statesman on the bill.

What are state-mandated services?
State-mandated services include:

  • Providing coverage for newborn children, students, adopted children and certain grandchildren. This includes children up to age 26.
  • Supplies and services for diabetes care
  • Serious mental illness coverage
  • Childhood vaccines
  • Hearing screenings
  • Covering an out-of-network specialist when an in-network specialist is not available
  • Cancer screenings, including mammograms, colonoscopy or other colon cancer screenings, pap smears and prostate cancer screenings.

Source: Texas House considering allowing employers to provide less health insurance / Austin-American Statesman

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