Texas Made Unallowable Medicaid Managed Care Payments for Beneficiaries Assigned More Than One Medicaid Identification Number 

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission did not always claim Federal Medicaid reimbursement for managed care payments in compliance with Federal requirements. Of the 3,170 beneficiary matches in our review, 3,045 were assigned more than 1 Medicaid identification number. As a result, the State agency improperly claimed $6.5 million ($3.8 million Federal share) for managed care payments that did not comply with Federal requirements.

Copies can also be obtained by contacting the Office of Public Affairs at Public.Affairs@oig.hhs.gov.

Download the complete report.

Source: Texas Made Unallowable Medicaid Managed Care Payments for Beneficiaries Assigned More Than One Medicaid Identification Number Audit (A-06-15-00024) 03-01-2017

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