Texas Medicaid Dental Maintenance Organization Annual Survey 2018


After reviewing the responses from the previous version of the survey, we closed it because there was a large amount of doubt about the veracity of some of the answers provided.  The largest indicator was that 46% of those claiming they were Medicaid dentists did NOT want to see any more dental management organizations in Texas besides Dentaquest and MCNA.  This did not seem credible considering the large amount of dissatisfaction previously expressed and even expressed within this survey.  Accountability is a problem with an anonymous survey.

Consequently, we decided to reopen the survey but require the survey taker’s name, practice name and Medicaid provider number.

We hope all the Medicaid dentists that answered the previous version will take the time to answer this new version as well.  We appreciate their participation.  We will not be publishing names in the final results when we report them.

(If you do not see the survey in your browser, please go here.)



For several years now, TDMR has conducted an annual survey regarding the attitudes of Texas dentists towards and their problems with Medicaid dental maintenance organizations

MCNA had been a big culprit with unauthorized payment holds and the state took action with hearings and such. However, Dentaquest was not without criticism and the last time we heard, credentialling was still a major problem.

So again this year, we are putting our survey online relatively unchanged from the first one several years ago.  The questions appear just as valid today as then.

However, we did ask one further question for a YES/NO response – I would like to see other DMOs in Texas Medicaid besides Dentaquest and MCNA.  There have been continuing rumors about a new request for proposals (RFP) for dental Medicaid but so far have been just that.

So here it is (for Medicaid dentists ONLY):  take our Texas Medicaid Dental Maintenance Organization Annual Survey 2018 below. 

(If you do not see the survey in your browser, please go here.)

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