This is a members-only forum for Texas Medicaid dental providers so that key issues affecting their patients and profession can be discussed broadly and securely.

How to Join

If you are a Medicaid dental provider and want to join:

  1. You must have a Google account.
  2. Click on the “Apply for membership” link below.
  3. In the application popup, you can set your profile photo and screen name.  We need you to fill in the “You can send additional information to the manager…” text box with your full name, practice, and city so we can verify you.
  4. Submit

The TDMR moderator will do a search online to ensure this personal information is correct and then approve your membership.

Once a member, you can post a new topic or ask a question and respond to any there.  You will receive notice of activity on the forum via your Gmail account.  So make sure you monitor this or have it forwarded to your main email account.

Any problems, email TDMR at with your phone number so we can follow up with you and get you approved to participate.

Where to Access

You can access the forum on this page or directly on Google Groups at  You must go to this page or the forum to post.  At this time, responding via email has been disabled.


This is something new so procedures may change.  At this time, the forum will be largely unmoderated.  If there is a problem, you can notify the TDMR moderator or email TDMR at if necessary.

May Take A While

It will probably take a while to build up membership and get discussions going.  So don’t get discouraged.  It will only be as useful as you participate.