Texas Medicaid Dental Provider Forum NOW OPEN

Medicaid dental providers apparently want an online forum to securely discuss mutual problems with Texas Medicaid and DMOs.  Some 92% of those taking our survey answered a resounding “yes” to having such a forum.


Here are some of the comments left by those answering the survey.


“The reimbursements for orthodontic procedures is pathetic.”

We need to create a situation that allows providers a voice…at this point, DMO’s are beginning to dictate treatment, define clinical parameters and ignore the provider’s opinions as valid.”

“Capitation would be bad.”

“What I would like to discuss are the most effective ways to get collections up near 98% or so, ways to get treatment approved. I’m not sure if other dentists would want to share their secrets.”

“That’s a very wide range of issues.”

“Particularly with regards to the lack of accountability MCO’s have, MCNA in particular.”

“It would be a blessing for us to have a stronger voice.”

“I think if “members” are allowed to be in the group that real identities vs alias should be used. What’s the point of having a private online forum if members aren’t transparent with their identity.”

“The dental professional needs to be paid an adequate fee from any payer. His professional training and experience are invaluable for the patient receiving the dental treatment. Those seeking dental care through the Medicaid Program should be vetted to ensure they are eligible. Medicaid should be actively trying to remove patients from the Medicaid rolls instead of adding new applicants and growing the number wanting the care. Taxpayers and dentists cannot support an endless pool of patients.”

“Would be beneficial for all providers.”

“DMO would put us out of business and we will stop taking Medicaid. DMO is a failing system even for those who are not on Medicaid. If cost saving is their goal then there are many other ways to achieve that. We should be able to have some way to bring ideas to the table.”

“Awesome idea, when can we start.”

We start TODAY!

TDMR has set up a Google Group called the “Texas Medicaid Dental Provider Forum.”  It is a members-only, private online discussion group.  Individuals can only join by applying through Google to TDMR.  The details are on the forum page which is now in our website navigation menu and you can reach by clicking the button below.

If you are unfamiliar with Google Groups, here is an old but good video detailing how it works.  Note that the interface has changed.

Go to Texas Medicaid Dental Provider Forum

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