Texas Medicaid Director Stephanie Muth announces intent to retire

Last night, Texas State Medicaid Director, Stephanie Muth, announced that she would be stepping down from her position in the agency.

Muth began her career in Texas government nearly 20 years ago as a Legislative Aide in the Texas House of Representatives. Since, she has held many positions in the Medicaid and health care space, including most recently as deputy executive commissioner for transformation.

In a Linkedin post, Muth expressed gratitude for her position, and explained that the agency is looking for her replacement.

“Today, with mixed emotions, I announced my intent to retire as the State Medicaid Director in May 2020. I’ve spent over 20 years in Texas government and it’s been an amazing journey. I’ve been able to touch the lives of Texans in many ways, but what has had the greatest impact on me, is the people I have met along the way. Each day I am overwhelmed by the commitment to public service and the passion that my team demonstrates.”

“The agency is beginning a national search for my replacement and over the next six months I will continue to serve with the same passion and dedication I brought to my career with the state two decades ago. I timed my announcement to ensure time for a thorough search for the next State Medicaid Director and a solid transition period. My team and this great State deserve the best.”

“I have had the opportunity to serve the Health and Human Services Commission in many roles — head of government relations, chief of staff, deputy of social services — but serving as State Medicaid Director has been one of the most challenging and rewarding, positions I have had the privilege to hold. My team in Texas and my colleagues across the country do amazing work day in and day out.”

Source: Texas Medicaid Director Stephanie Muth announces intent to retire / State of Reform

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