Texas Sues Xerox to Recover Millions in Allegedly Misspent Money | The Texas Tribune

As the Texas Attorney General’s office on Friday announced it filed a lawsuit against state contractor Xerox, in an effort to reclaim hundreds of millions of dollars the company allegedly erroneously doled out for medically unnecessary Medicaid claims, the Health and Human Services Commission also notified the contractor that it plans to terminate its contract.

“Xerox’s unlawful acts resulted in a substantial breach of safeguards intended to protect taxpayer dollars, maintain the integrity of Medicaid policies, and ensure the appropriate delivery of services to Medicaid clients,” the state’s legal complaint alleges. “Xerox permitted an unprecedented loss of Medicaid funds to predatory and unscrupulous dental providers. As a result of the conduct of both Xerox and these providers, the Medicaid program was deeply compromised.”

Texas Sues Xerox to Recover Millions in Allegedly Misspent Money | The Texas Tribune.

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