There Could Be A Ruling On Texas’ Obamacare Challenge Soon. Here’s What You Need To Know.

A ruling on a Texas-led lawsuit challenging the Affordable Care Act is imminent. The suit is a Republican-backed effort to eliminate the entire law after Congress failed to do so in 2017.

Because state leaders asked that the lawsuit essentially be fast-tracked, legal experts say a ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will likely come down sometime before the holidays.

“This is a case that could be argued next spring. We could already have the Supreme Court’s decision before summer of next year,” said Rob Henneke, general counsel with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The lawsuit is the latest in a line of challenges to the federal health care law, commonly known as Obamacare. The plaintiffs include a coalition of GOP-led states and individuals who argue that when Congress zeroed out a tax penalty in 2017 for not having health insurance – known as the individual mandate – the entire law became invalid.

Source: There Could Be A Ruling On Texas’ Obamacare Challenge Soon. Here’s What You Need To Know. / HPPR

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