TSBDE to Meet Tomorrow Morning On COVID 19 Re-Opening Rules

The TSBDE Board is meeting virtually tomorrow morning at 9:30 am to finalize rules relating to Governor Abbott’s new executive order GA 19 that allows dental offices to open May 1.

There are three documents of importance – TEXAS STATE BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS GUIDANCE FOR MINIMIZING RISK OF COVID-19 TRANSMISSION,  Staffs Proposed Emergency Rule 108.7, and the Dental Practice Committee Emergency Rule 108.7.

Below are links to the documents on the TSBDE website but we also have them below for you to download as well.  We’ve included the ADA Return to Work Toolkit from the TDA website.

The following are the details that are on the TSBDE website. Telephonic Board Meeting for the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners April 29, 2020 at 9:30 AM CST

The Agenda for the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners Telephonic Board Meeting is posted below:

Emergency Board Meeting Agenda 4.29.20

Board Meeting Materials: TSBDE Guidance OPEN TEXAS COVID-19 (4.28.20) Staffs Proposed Emergency Rule 108.7 Dental Practice Committee Emergency Rule 108.7 How to Connect to the Meeting:
  1. Please follow this link to connect to the meeting: https://tsbde.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html
  2. Please note that public members in the meeting will be joining a live audio stream and will only be able to speak during the Public Comments Section of the meeting. Public members wishing to submit a Public Comment should follow the instructions below and will be contacted by a member of the Board to speak.
How to Submit Public Comments: If you wish to address the Board during the April 29, 2020 Board Meeting, please follow these instructions. Submitting Written Public Comments: Since many people have similar concerns, we encourage the public to submit written comments that will be made available to the Board in their meeting materials. If you would like to submit a written comment please follow this link to be taken to the Written Public Comments Form. Please fill out the form completely. Your comment will be considered by the Board during the Board Meeting. Submitting Verbal Public Comments: If you wish to address the Board verbally during the Board Meeting, please follow this link to be taken to the Public Comments Form: Please fill out the Public Comments Form completely and submit it prior to speaking. A staff member from TSBDE will email you on the email address you provided in your Public Comments Form during the Board Meeting with instructions.  These instructions will describe how to connect to the Board Members during your time for public testimony.  Please note, testimony time is limited as determined by the Board Presiding Office.

3 Responses

  • Let’s hope they allow teledentistry in some form. Many dentists/orthodontists are capable of doing this. They have the technology and ALL OF YOU should invest in this technology.

  • Finally something constructive and proactive. The board needs to focus on this! Not going after those who were already doing these things to protect patients, staff, and doctors. We don’t need to be point fingers!

    I salut you got doing what’s right!

  • Thanks ,
    Our prayers to those families that have lost love ones throughout these pandemic.
    All feed from caregivers and institutions are a must we hope for the best and brace for the worst.
    Would it be possible to consider oximeters, record in conjunction with temperatures?

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