Two Dental Clinics Not Involved in Case Erroneously Named in DOJ Press Release on $8.45 Million Medicaid Fraud Settlement

Tuesday, TDMR republished a press release issued by the  Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney’s Office,  Northern District of Texas that Carrollton-based MB2 Dental Solutions and 21 pediatric dental practices affiliated with MB2 had agreed to an $8.45 million settlement to resolve allegations of false Medicaid claims for pediatric dental services. A sad day indeed and a blight on the reputation of Medicaid dentistry in Texas.

DOJ now says 19, not 21 clinics involved

This morning TDMR was contacted by a representative of one of the dental clinics named in the press release and was told that their practice was not associated with MB2, had never been under investigation, had been erroneously included in the press release and that the DOJ had now revised the release. Sure enough, upon checking the DOJ’s website, the release now states in its headline that only 19 affiliated clinics were involved in the MB2 settlement. So not only one clinic was erroneously included but clearly two.  However, the first line of the release remains uncorrected and still states 21 clinics.

Horror story

The representative further told us that the only reason the clinic found out it was named in the release is that a local TV station showed up on their doorstep Tuesday afternoon and did a story about them being included. The TV station has issued a correction.

Needless to say, they are pretty upset about the hit to their reputation and are attempting to find out from the DOJ how they were included. We are not naming the practices in this story so they won’t continue to be associated with this settlement on the internet.  But we are publishing this story because it is a story and a cautionary tale.

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