Why Blue Cross in Texas wants to provide low-cost health care, too

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas wants to do more than just pay health care bills. The state’s largest health insurer is getting into the provider business.

Its goal is to lower health costs, improve care and reach some of the many Texans who don’t have insurance or a medical home.

Texas consistently ranks worst in the nation in the uninsured. Last year, just over 5 million Texans had no health coverage, almost 2.2 million more than runner-up California.

Blue Cross is teaming with Sanitas, a multinational health care company, to open 10 retail health clinics around Dallas and Houston. The outlets will provide primary care and urgent care, including X-rays and lab services. They’ll also offer weekend hours.

“There’s going to be a revolution in how primary care is delivered to consumers,” said Dr. Dan McCoy, president of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. “We felt that we needed to play a part in that system, too.”

Source: Why Blue Cross in Texas wants to provide low-cost health care, too / The Dallas Morning News

One Response

  • Blue Cross: “We felt that we needed to play a part in that system, too,” meaning, we want yet another piece of the pie we can control. HMO style healthcare, like Kaiser Permanente Northwest, and California, is the biggest corrupt insurance/provider incestuous delivery system ever. Patients lose, providers lose, and employers are clueless the products they are buying.

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